Great Quetzal Cookie Virtual Run

Hey, y’all! This holiday, my main goal is to give back to my loved ones. It’s been a heck of a year and I think it’s important that we focus on loving others well. To do this, I’ve partnered up with UnEarth Hope – a non-profit based in North Carolina equips the women and children of Guatemala with the tools to end the cycle of poverty. Due to COVID-19, traveling has become a bit more difficult, so this year, they announced the Great Quetzal Cookie Run, a virtual 5k to raise money for Guatemalan families and share some amazing cookie recipes. If there are three things I love, they’re running, global health, and cookies.

The great news is that this run is virtual and you can sign up now! If you’re interested in a one-mile fun run, there’s an option for you, too! Sign up here.

And in the spirit of sharing, I’m sharing my favorite cookie recipe – Ammi’s Chocolate Chip Cookies. Ammi was my paternal grandmother and made a dang good cookie. They’re great every single time and I’m so glad to have found that tattered index card with the recipe written in careful cursive. It’s a gift that I’m so excited to share with you.


Go ahead and sign up, run your virtual 5k, and get some amazing cookie recipes!



Katherine Lean