The very first post
Hey, hello, what’s up. Thanks for stopping by!
It’s been about a month and a half since this whole thing started and I’m still a little in shock at how well it’s taken off. In just over a month, I’ve been contacted by chefs who have given me high praises for my baking, been in conversations with breweries who are big fans, connected with some high profile social media influencers, and was featured on Crate and Barrel’s Instagram (!!!). It’s a wild time and I’m so grateful for the gift of your support.
Below is the photo that was the catalyst for everything.
Funny backstory – when I decided to bake this Milk Bar Birthday Cake, I told my co-workers about it and that I had some supplies overnighted to my house so that I could have everything ready to go for the weekend. My work buds were supportive of my baking plans, but politely asked, “why are you so committed to this cake that you would have all of these supplies overnighted to your house?” Not having a good answer (or wanting to explain myself), I jokingly responded, “Oh, I want people on the internet to like me.”
Well. I baked the cake. I posted a picture of the cake. I forgot about it. I went to bed.
I woke up the next morning to 750+ likes on my photo. Pause. SEV-EN-HUN-NIT AND FIF-TY LIKES. For reference, the most I’ve ever gotten was maybe 70 and that was probably when I posted a picture of myself as a 9 year old wearing an oversized Hanson shirt and a WWJD bracelet. Deserving of every last one of those likes, too. Woof.
Is this a never before seen photo of Taylor Hanson? I mean, maybe.
After realizing that more than 750 strangers cared about my cake, I immediately broke out in a cold sweat. God heard my joke about being liked on the internet. I mean, He always hears me, but his answer felt so instantaneous and tangible. What else could I ask for real quick? Eligible bachelors flocking to my doorstep? Calories that don’t count on the days I bake? Knowledge about what in the heck I'm supposed to be doing with my eyebrows these days? A career making and baking things? #nameit #claimit
Whew. It's been a busy few weeks. But the dust has started to settle and here we are. We've got a website. We've got a Facebook and Instagram handle (go follow me @herflourgarden)! We've got an email address (say hi at! And we've got a problem saying "we" when what I really mean is me and my dogs. I'll work on it. Until then, follow along and see what I'm up to.