Chocolate Buttercream Icing

Listen. Store bought icing is so1990. And you know what? You're so not. You're hip. You're ambitious.

You make your own icing.



  • 2 sticks of unsalted butter, room temperature

  • 5 cups of powdered sugar

  • ¼ cup of light brown sugar, loosely packed

  • ¾ cup cocoa powder

  • ⅓ cup heavy cream

  • 1 ½ teaspoons of salt

  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract



Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, mix the room temperature butter on low for 1-2 minutes and then at medium speed for 2-3 minutes or until smooth and creamy.

Add the powdered sugar one cup at a time, mixing at low speed and ensuring that each cup is incorporated before adding additional cups. It’s a pretty good idea to keep the mixer at low speed the whole time you’re incorporating the powdered sugar, unless you’re looking for a sugary tornado all over your counters, face, and floor.

Once all of the powdered sugar is incorporated, mix in brown sugar and cocoa powder, followed by heavy cream.

Lastly, mix in the salt and vanilla extract and mix on high for 3-4 minutes until the icing is whipped and smooth.

The icing is ready to be used at this point. If you are making this in advance, first of all, you’re a boss and omg, what foresight. Secondly, the icing can be put into piping bags and stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. If you choose to refrigerate, let the icing sit at room temperature for an hour before use.