Mini blackberry croissants

Hypothetical situation — you’re invited to a party (not the hypothetical part — I’m sure you’re invited to a lot of parties) and asked to bring an appetizer. You need something easy, less than five ingredients, and will take less than 30 minutes to prepare, but will also knock the socks off of everyone at the party. See below. I can make you the life of the party.



  • Mini croissants (ALDI has great ones!)

  • Goat cheese

  • Blackberry jam

  • Fresh blackberries


It starts weird, but stick with me. Go find some kitchen scissors. Yes, scissors. Cut the croissants starting at one end and creating circle slices. If you don’t have kitchen scissors, you can use a knife, but I just liked the ease and clean lines of cutting with scissors. Line a baking sheet with all of the slices and broil until slightly brown on top.

Once the croissant slices are out of the oven, let them cool a bit. Once cool, spread the goat cheese on top of each one, followed by the jam. Top with a fresh blackberry enjoy!
